Saturday, May 14, 2011

New RE...New Hope

I had my first appointment with the new RE on Wednesday.  What a HUGE difference!  I do not in any way want to "dis" my old doctor.  I really did like her character and the amount of time she was willing to spend with me.  It's crazy how I didn't realize how much greener the grass is on the other side, until I actually went to the other side.  The new RE's office is much more organized!  I was very impressed!  First the nurse met with me, then the doc, then an insurance specialist, and then the nurse one more time.  I was really fond of the doctor and her support staff.

There are some things in my records that aren't quite lining up and my new RE would like to dig a bit more.  So this is what the plan is looking like:
June cycle - Additional ovarian reserve testing.   There are some discrepancies with my FSH levels in my records.  The results of the testing will  affect the IVF success rates.  If my levels fall in the normal range throughout the cycle, I will have a 50-60% of IVF working.  If the results come back not normal, my chances for IVF working will drop to about 30%.  Quite a difference...
July cycle - BCP for 21 days
August - Stimming, retrieval & transfer

I'm actually quite happy with the timeline.  My first failed IVF cycle hit me harder than I could ever imagine.  I'm looking forward to having some more time to heal.  We may be doing a lil bit of traveling in July, so it will be nice not to worry about shooting up and just have the freedom to enjoy summer.  I'm also relieved that it looks like we will be able to do IVF #2 before I go back to school in the fall.

The insurance front had some good news & eh news.  The good news was now that my provider has changed my insurance has "reset"...meaning I have the full $30,000 to work with again for IVF treatments.  The eh news was that the insurance specialist said they have a really hard time convincing the insurance company that the patients absolutely need IVF to get pregnant.  Luckily, I have history to show that I do indeed need this procedure, which she said will definitely help my case.  ( 6 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, 3 failed IUI's, and 1 failed IVF)  She will be working on gaining my pre-approval.  Hopefully my history will provide sufficient evidence!!!

I definitely walked out with a renewed sense of hope.


Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear the appointment went well and coverage! What a blessing!

E and R said...

So glad you had a good experience with your new RE. We also switched (although we switched because we really didn't like the first one we saw) and are so glad that we did. Hopefully you get the desired results this August!

Sean said...

I'm so excited for you! It sounds like it was defifnitely in your best intereste to change RE's and now you can enjoy your summer and have August to look forward to! You have awesome ins coverage too, wow!! Good things await you, my friend! :)

Andrea said...

OOps, that last comment was from me!! I didn't realize it was signed in under my husband!! (Although I'm sure he would be happy for you too, HA!)

Cherbear said...

well they BETTER get you approved! So glad you love the new RE's office. And that you have a timeline!!! yeaaahh!

Krista said...

Yay for a good appointment with new RE! Sounds like we have a lot of similarities....this past failed cycle hit me a lot harder than I ever imagined it would. But, it's good to have a plan moving forward! Let's hope #2 brings us our BFPs!!!!

Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! said...

I'm so happy for you that you found a doctor you are clicking with !! It sounds like this one is really going to get down to some answers with the ovarian reserve testing and that is great. The fact that your insurance covers IVF is AMAZING!! What a blessing. Its great you get to enjoy your summer as well :)

Nink said...

Sounds great! I'm so glad that you found the grass is greener on the other side for you. Sometimes it's hard to get to the other side, but I'm so glad you did. Your timeline sounds great!!! Perfect, in fact. :) I'm really hoping your FSH levels come back normal...50 to 60% sounds very promising! That's pretty much the success rates we all have working for us (if everything checks out). And triple yay for insurance coverage. If they don't see that IVF is your only means of conception, then they are blind. Good luck with everything. Very excited for you! :)

Pam said...

I'm so glad you like your new RE! That makes a WORLD of difference! Hopefully he/she can come up with a great plan for you! Can't wait to read about how things are progressing. What a relief about having ins. coverage again! I definitely think you have a case that shows IVF is necessary. If the ins. company doesn't think so then they're just full of crap. Although most of them are :o)

Tippy said...

Yeah for new hope! Hope your FSH comes back good. And how great you have coverage :-)