Sunday, March 20, 2011

Moving Right Along

Well, everything is moving right along.  I had my first ultrasound on Saturday (and another one today) and things are progressing like they should be.  I have about 16 follies growing.  There are a few that are on the smaller side, so not sure if they will be ready in time - but definitely happy with my numbers so far. My lining is at 9 and estradiol is currently at 1,500.  Tonight should be my last dosage of follistim, menopur, and lupron.  I go back tomorrow for more bloodwork and another ultrasound.  If all looks good, we should be deciding on a trigger time.  The retrieval is still tentatively set for Wednesday a.m. I am finally passed the nervous stage and now just plain 'ol excited!!!! 

I had a really great meeting with my therapist on Friday. The topic of conversation was letting go of my fear.  She started by asking me what my biggest fear in life is?  I replied "Never having a family".  After our conversation, I have come to the realization that I will indeed some day have a family.  The only thing that is unclear is the means.  This is just one step towards reaching our goal.  This may be the step that gives us our family and it may not be.  If it is not, we are willing to take the next step, and the next, and the next..... 

But, in the meantime - hoping and praying that our lil miracle is about to join us!!!


Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! said...

Good luck, thinking of you and praying for your successful cycle!!

Andrea said...!!! I'm soooo excited for you and will be sending tons of prayers and thoughts your way!