Next big decision - are we going to transfer in 2 or 3? Hubby and I went back and forth all Friday night. We just didn't know what to do - since this is our first IVF cycle and I have no clue how my body is going to respond to this. Of course, we wanted to put in more for better chances - yet the thought of triplets was extremely scary considering all the complications the babies could endure. So we went to bed content with making a decision once we got to the lab the next morning and got the official report on our embies.
Okay - go to bed Friday night. Extremely nervous. Those of you that know me well know I am a very anxious person and considering we hadn't made our final decision yet, I was feeling the anxiety full throttle. I set my alarm for 5 a.m. The transfer was scheduled in Middleton for 8 a.m., so we knew we wanted to leave around 6 a.m. *At this point, this is where I had hubby check that the alarm on my phone was set correctly (as I always do about five times every night before bed). Yes, I am a bit obsessive. I'm the girl that checks to see if her curling iron is unplugged 8 times before leaving the house every morning.
Anyways - I kept waking up all night like every hour and would check my phone to see how much more time I had to sleep. And to my surprise - the night dragged on for what seemed like forever. I got a text from my Dad at 3:30 in the morning wishing me luck and one from my sister at 4:00. I couldn't help but wonder why they were texting me SO early?!?!?! Well, I woke up for the sixth time and checked my phone and it said 5:04. I jumped up and though to myself, that's alarm didn't go off. That's when I realized it was light out. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen to check the time and it was actually currently 6:34 a.m.!!!!!! Major freak out mode! Ran back and looked at my phone to find out that it had decided to change to Jaipur, India's time zone and it was currently 5:04 p.m. there??? Sorry for the language - but WTF?!?!?! So I literally woke up hubby (okay my screaming did that), pushed the dog outside to pee, fed him, and threw on the clothes that were laying on the side of the bed and we were on the road at 6:40. I hate being late and the fact that I was going to be late on the biggest day of my life - not cool. I said to Gus, this story is so ridiculous - my doctor is never going to believe this. So we took a pic of the "wrong" time on my phone. It had at least changed to Milwaukee, but was still the wrong time.
You can see the correct time in the background.
So I call Dr. Schell and she says it is no problem - get there when we get there. We arrived about twenty minutes late (not bad considering).
So we arrived at Wisconsin Fertility Institute and both changed into our gear. Dr. Schell came in and said she was going to go get the update from the embryologists. My heart was beating like crazy! She peeked back in and said "good news". The first two embies were doing great - both Grade 1. One of them was a 6-cell and one of them was a 5-cell. She also said the other two were also doing good - both Grade 1 and currently at 4 cells. The embryologists felt the second two were doing good and would make it to the blastocyst stage (for freezing). Since the first two were doing so great - we both looked at each and smiled. 2 it is! Let's do this!
(we had talked about if they were doing just "okay" we would have put in 3 and tried to freeze the last one)
Then the coolest part is the embryologist came in and gave us what could be our first baby picture/s. He explained to us the one on the top was the 6 cell, but that one of the cells was hard to see underneath. The one on the bottom is the 5 cell. He also said they looked wonderful - no fragmentation and similarly sized cells.
So when we saw the pictures, I immediately got really emotional. At this point, it was about 8:30 a.m. and the embryologist was currently working on performing assisted hatching on our 2 embies. I knew I had about a half an hour until the procedure and my FULL bladder was killing!!! I said to my hubby "I think I need to let a lil bit out". So we went into the bathroom and I peed for about 5 seconds. Much better! Try that with a full bladder - so hard to stop..haha.
Those of you not familiar with IVF, you must have a full bladder before the transfer to assure the catheter can be placed into the appropriate place.
Those of you not familiar with IVF, you must have a full bladder before the transfer to assure the catheter can be placed into the appropriate place.
9:00 a.m. the nurse pops in with a smile and says "Are you ready to make a baby?" Off we go to the procedure room. The transfer was so awesome! We got to see each lil embie inserted on the ultrasound screen. One was stubborn and decided to stick on the catheter, so we had to go in a second time. It was so rewarding to see each one magically appear in their new home. The embryologist wished us congratulations and said we were currently carrying twins! What an amazing experience.
Lucky me - my doc then emptied my bladder for me, so I could relax comfortably for the next hour.
Just returned from the transfer. Happy as can be.

WOWWWWWWWWW!!! Those pictures are awesome!!!
awww this is sooo wonderful. I have tears in my eyes and I'm choked up reading this. I'm really pulling for you guys! You deserve this baby so much and will make wonderful parents!!
What amazing pictures!!!! I'm beyond excited for you! Thank you so much for sharing your journey and I can't wait to hear the news in 2 weeks!
Leave it to your alarm to let you down on the most important day ever. I'm glad you safely made it on time. Those pictures are amazing!!
I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear the good news that the beta is positive!!! The pictures are so cool. It's making me super anxious for ours in a couple of weeks!
Silly alarm clocks... :o) Glad you made it safely and not too late! Lots of good thoughts being sent your way! Grow babies grow!!!!!!!!!
I just started following your blog, I found you through Tiffany Pifer. We are currently doing the birth control part of IVF and I'll start my lupron shot next week. I'm excited to follow along with you during your journey!!
so I had to come back and read about your transfer experience. Oh boy, the timing thing must have been so stressful!! Praying this time around is much much better. Do you have the same phone or did you kick that one to the curb? LOL
You are right in that we have a lot in common. (I'm turning 29 this yr btw) I Just had to come read back a little about you. My bladder was overfull for my first IVF as well. Although...I had just started blogging at the time and I wasn't really "into it" yet so I don't think I gave any details. When I let some out, it burned like the dickens!! I found out during the transfer that I could have let more out. I was still "overfull". My doctor also catheterizes and empties the bladder for her patients. I am so thankful, b/c I have heard of so many women who have to get up to pee after!
I'm so sorry that your first IVF didn't work. This journey is so very hard. :(
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