Sunday, March 13, 2011

For Better or For Worse...In Sickness and in Health

Infertility is a true test of a couple's marriage.  I would characterize it as a "worse" when considering vows or  maybe even "sickness". 

Well this "worse" or this "sickness" actually has brought me one thing to be thankful for.  The one positive out of all of this is just how close I have grown to my husband.  No matter how discouraged, ashamed, or terrified I may be...he is ALWAYS there for me.  I was looking back at photos today and I came across this one...our wedding day, July 16th, 2005.  The best day of my life!  I think back though and reflect on how naive we were.  We truly thought we would be able to start a family when ready and had no clue how much we were about to suffer.  Although we have not progressed our family yet, we have most definitely progressed our love. 

We have each other and we are a family.  For this, I am grateful. 

1 comment:

Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! said...

Aw, you looked gorgeous on your wedding day! I feel the same. This has definitely strengthened our marriage and that's the bright side of this awful ordeal!