Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's Moments Like These....

It's moments like these .... that I wish would never end, that I will never forget, that makes the wait so worth it, that makes my heart feel all warm and bubbly inside, that make me super emotional - bring on the tears!
This was the 2nd time ever that Ari laughed (10 1/2 weeks old).  After nursing, he just leaned back on his boppy and started giggling at me.  I was sick and was losing my voice...I think he thought I sounded funny.    

I wish this moment could have lasted forever...snuggling during Ari's mid-afternoon nap

Moments like these are truly priceless.  


Anonymous said...

Baby laughs are seriously the most amazing thing.

amy said...

So sweet!! I love it :) Eat it up!!

Andrea said...

So precious!

Megan said...

So sweet!! I love those moments too. Can they just stay this little forever? Pretty please?! :)

Good Timing said...

Love it!!

Jesica said...

So precious!

Fiona said...

What an adorable little giggle! Love his little dimples when he is laughing/smiling. And the photo of your snuggles is precious too. Soak up those moments. :)

Kelli said...

Aw, I missed this.. Ari is too adorable! Hope you are feeling better!