Tuesday, June 19, 2012

33 Weeks

Well, I am a day early - but tomorrow is 33 weeks already!!!!! I haven't updated in awhile because things have been so hectic with finishing up the school year.  I have lots of updates though.  :)

I'm officially done with school. We finished up with students last week, but I had been there a few extra days preparing my maternity plans for the substitute in the fall.  Feels so good to have that accomplished.  I may go in late August and help the sub set up my room, but if for some reason, I can't - all the lesson plans & copies are set and ready to go! I sure will miss my babies though. It's crazy to think that the next time I see them...baby boy will be here!

Saying goodbye 

On one of the last days of school one of my best friends from work threw me a shower.  It was wonderful! I was overwhelmed with how many staff members came to celebrate with me.  There were numerous times throughout the shower where I was very teary eyed thinking I just couldn't believe the shower was actually for me?!?! I can't tell you how many baby showers I've sat through wondering if I would every get to experience one and here I was sitting there amidst my own shower.  One of my teaching partners gave a speech about my struggle that literally put me into tears.  It was a memorable day.

A couple weeks ago my sister came down and surprised me by taking me to get a 3D/4D ultrasound.  We had such a great time and it was amazing to see baby boy again.  He really likes his feet!  He kept putting his toes up by his mouth.  The ultrasound tech commented that he has some meat on his bones, which I like to hear! It was so surreal to see him moving around like crazy and think that is all going on inside of me...special moments.

This is my sisters favorite pic of the lil guy. 

Hubby and I have been going to birthing class the past couple of weeks.  Our last class is this upcoming Thursday.  I'm super excited for it - because we will finally get a tour of the birthing center.  Thus far, I have only been able to see pictures.  The class has been very informative and I would recommend that any first time mom takes them.  We have learned so much that I'm sure will make our experience go more smoothly come August.  My hubby is amazing - he takes pride during the massaging portion of the class learning the techniques that feel the best to me.   As scared as I am to labor, I feel comforted knowing I will have him by my side helping me get through it.  

Headed to class

We had our 32 OB appointment last week and I still am measuring right on track.  Baby's heart rate was great and my blood pressure is also good.  We are now moving to appointments every 2 weeks - so we go back already next Wednesday.  I definitely am liking the appointments getting closer and closer together.  

2 days shy of 33 weeks

The crazy exciting month of June continues.  We have our maternity photo shoot this evening and our family/friends shower this Saturday!  Then the last weekend in June we are heading back to Chicago to buy our furniture! I know, I know - I'm behind with setting up the nursery.  Looking forward to spending lots of time in there in July! :)

I'll leave you with one of my all time favorite pregnancy photos. Here's a pic of Buckwheat starting the bonding process with baby boy.  I kind of feel bad for him, because he has no clue how his life is about to change.  The poor guy won't be my only "baby" anymore.  


Andrea said...

Busy girl!! Awww, Buckwheat will be a great big brother. I bet they're best friends in no time! You better get on that nursery girl! :P

Anonymous said...

You look wonderful!!!! Happy things are going so well :)

Kelli said...

LC, so glad things are going great! Hooray for your sub plans being done and your summer break finally being here. Enjoy setting up that nursery! =)