Sunday, June 3, 2012

30 Weeks & Counting

30 down...10 to go. It still seems so surreal. I remember telling my husband that once we make it through the school year we are almost "there", meaning close to our due date. And now here we are - officially 7 days left of school. I'm starting to pack up my classroom and it's hard to envision not being back until November. Hard to envision because me not returning in September means there will be an actual real baby here to take care of.

Symptoms wise I've been feeling pretty good. My appetite has finally slowed down and is back to normal. I've noticed I'm easily winded after a simple flight of stairs. I do miss my ankles - ha! The swelling has come into full effect. One of my former students told me on Friday that I have really fat ankles now. Why thank you!

Baby boy seems to be doing well! :) He has been moving around like crazy and providing quite the show from the outside. I find myself in awe daily just laying on the couch watching my tummy move. I love it!

Big week ahead here. I have my school shower at work and our first birthing class - so excited.

I'll leave you with a bump shot from today. We had such amazing weather this weekend. Thinking of you all!


Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

You are one adorable pregnant lady!! Have a lovely week!

M said...

You look great!