Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We're Getting There...

Hi ladies!!! I had another ultrasound and blood draw this morning. Things are moving along well - I still have 5 growing follies on each side. The lead is now at 13 mm. Whoo hoo! I am to continue the same dosage and will be going back Friday morning for another follie check. My doctor said she is predicting that I will be triggering on Friday or Saturday, which would be a Sunday or Monday retrieval. WHOO HOO! She also said my uterus looks fantastic and the lining is thickening up nicely. After my ultrasound, I had an extremely relaxing acupuncture session. I fell asleep again and woke up feeling very refreshed. A few hours later I received a call from the nurse and my estradiol is up to 966! This is all starting to feel real again...can't wait for retrieval day!


Andrea said...

Wonderful news!! I can't wait until your retrieval day!

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Great news hun :)

waiting and wishing said...

Yay!!! So exciting- I can't wait to hear how Friday goes!!!! SO happy for you:)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

So excited for you.

Bridget said...

Great news!! Good luck!

Sarra said...

Woohoo!! Very good news! I can't wait to hear the results of the ER soon!

Tippy said...

Glad things are going well. Good luck!

Pam said...

Can't wait for your retrieval! So glad things are going well now :o)