Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wasn't Expecting This One...

Well, I thought my ultrasound went well this morning. My doctor measured some follicles on each side (about 3 on the left and 5 of the right). Not as great as last time ..but hey, a start. There were some other smaller ones too, so I was hoping they would take off. Gave my blood sample and I was out the door with a smile. I was on top of the world this morning ...literally daydreaming in the car counting my blessings.

But, then it all came CRASHing down. A few hours later I received a call from one of my nurses. My estradiol level which we were hoping would rise after the increase in medication, actually DROPPED! It went from 62 to 55. I really don't understand what is going on with my body. I was finally starting to feel more optimistic about everything and now this. She said if it did not rise a great deal by Saturday - they would be cancelling this cycle. :( I asked well what do we need it to be by in order to keep going and she said around 200. My stomach sank when I heard the words 'cancel the cycle'. I was driving, so I pulled over and called the hubby. Luckily he was able to answer and I just lost it.

Have any of you ever experienced something like this before or know of someone else who did? My friend Makelle shared a similar story with me where they wanted to cancel her cycle due to low estradiol levels and she refused. She is now pregnant with twins...but, the only difference is her level never actually dropped, like mine. I really don't know what to say..I don't want to come on here and be all negative - but I think it's looking pretty glim for the continuation of this cycle. Two more nights of the same dosage (525 Follistim & 75 of Menopur) and then back on Saturday morning for ultrasound/bloodwork. I should know by Saturday afternoon whether it's a go or a bust.

I have so many things running through my head...primarily that... I guess this new protocol was not the one. Maybe back to the first protocol or back to the drawing board?

I'm trying to be positive here guys...I really am. I am fighting with every ounce of my heart, body, and soul to not give up on this cycle.


waiting and wishing said...

I'm so sorry this is happening :( I'll be praying for a nice high number on Saturday!

Andrea said...

I'm praying for you too...hoping SO MUCH that this was some strange fluke and your numbers rise. Keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you. In the event that they do cancel your cycle, which I REALLY hope they don't do, please talk to them about an antagonist protocol next time. I've read a lot of stuff saying that it's a better protocol for women with high FSH. Sending HUGS.

amy said...

Oh goodness...I know nothing about estradiol levels, I'm sorry. There are sooo many factors that have to take place, I swear :( I pray you make the right decision and are at peace with it!! Maybe the numbers will jump up!! Keep us posted...

hopeful said...

Geez I'm so sorry. That is not fun news. I wish I knew more about estradiol for ya. Our bodies are so complicated aren't they? I am praying that God will step in and let peace wash over you no matter what the outcome is. I can imagine the frustration of going thru all the treatments and medications just to have it not work out. There is always the chance like andrea said that this was some sort of fluke. It's ok to have moments where you are not 100% shiny and positive. Allow yourself to feel the sadness and disappointment and deal with how you're feeling and then let Him lift you up from the pit. It's hard not to just sink into a miserable dark place and stay there. I am not to the place you are treatment wise(yet) but one thing that has helped me is to know that no matter what % chance the doctor's give me for a cycle, with God, there is a 100% chance that His will is going to happen. Even if it seems impossible, if this is His time for you to conceive it will happen no matter what our levels are! sorry that was such a long comment!

Do I Have to Be a D.I.N.K.? said...

Oh no...I hope you are not canceled. Keep us updated on Saturday's appt. Thinking of you.

Lulu said...

Hello! I don't have any experience with this, so I have no advice. But good luck, cycle sister!

Sarra said...

I have a friend who also had some problems with her levels being low and not having a lot of maturing follicles compared to what they were hoping for. They wanted to cancel her cycle, but she wanted to keep going and now she has the most beautiful little girl. She's perfect - and all the result of an almost-cancelled cycle, so it can happen!

I hope the numbers rise like you want them to. It's such a delicate balance! Just keep your chin up and try not to lose hope. If this cycle ends up cancelled, at least you'll be armed with more information that will make the next cycle even better. I'll be thinking of you!

clewis said...

hoping that things turn around and its not a cancelled cycle, its so nerve racking. Good luck.