Monday, August 15, 2011

They Woke Up!

So I was back to the doctor this a.m. for another ultrasound and blood draw. I have to say I walked into the ultrasound room feeling kind of numb. This past week has had so many ups and downs...I just didn't have a clue where this appt was going.

The doctor took a lil looky with her magic wand and was really pleased with what she found. She measured five follicles on each side, with the largest around 9mm. She was really excited that they had started to take off and that they were much more visible this time. We waited for the bloodwork to come back and my estradiol has risen to 479...whoo hoo!

So this means I will continue stimulating. Dr. said I can probably plan on it for the rest of the week. I called the pharmacy and orderered two more cartridges of Follistim (900 & 600) and 5 more vials of Menopur. I'll go back Wednesday morning for yet another ultrasound and blood draw. Who would of guessed I would be stimming for a full two weeks? It really doesn't matter long as we get there. I'm just relieved those ovaries finally woke up! All of your prayers are working - so thank you very, very much! :)


waiting and wishing said...

Yay!!!! I'm so excited to read this- grow follies GROW!

Andrea said...

Yippeeeeee!!!!! I've been excited for you all day!!! :) :) :)

Sarra said...

Sweet!! This is awesome news! Man, what a roller coaster ride of ups and downs with the not knowing, but you are handling it beautifully. It sounds like this is going to be a successful cycle and before you know it, you'll be going in for you ER! So excited to hear this news for you.

amy said... glad to hear this!! You're well on your way to your baby(s) my friend ;) Still praying!

Bridget said...

Great news!!! So happy those ovaries started cooperating!

Lulu said...

Good morning, ovaries!

Do I Have to Be a D.I.N.K.? said...

What great news! Slow and Steady is a good thing!

Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! said...

If you ever end up needing more Menopur please let me know! I have like 10 extra boxes I'm waiting to donate to my clinic. WOOHOO for those follies comin around!

M said...

Yay! Good luck!

Pam said...

So glad things are moving in the right direction!!! What great news :o)