Monday, August 1, 2011

Tentative Schedule

Hubby went back to work today. A friend of mine asked me if I have big plans for the month of August. I sure do! Come on...this is every girl's dream right? I LOVE spending the last month of my summer getting poked, prodded, and shooting myself up. Can you tell today is one of those bitter days? Here is my schedule for IVF #2:

Microflare Lupron Protocol
*These dates could change (+/- a couple days) based upon how my ovaries respond to the Follistim & Menopur.

7/13 - 8/2 Birth Control Pills

8/1 Injection Teaching (review) & Mock Transfer

8/2 Consent signing

8/3 Begin acupuncture (2-3 times a week)

8/5 Day 3 Labwork & Ultrasound
Start Micro-Lupron Injection (10 units twice daily 12 hours apart)

8/6 Day 4 Start Follistim Injection 375 units every PM
Start Menopur Injection 75 units every PM

8/7 - 8/14 Multiple Ultrasounds and labs to observe/monitor growing follicles

8/15 Administer hCG shot to trigger the follies to go through the last stage of maturation before retrieval.
STOP micro-lupron, Follistim, and Menopur injections

8/16 Begin Doxycycline antibiotic twice a day with food

8/17 Egg Retrieval - 34 hours after hCG shot
Begin Progesterone injections 2cc daily

8/22 Embryo Transfer
Begin Estrace 2 mg tables twice a day

8/31 Lab draw to check progesterone and estradiol

9/6 Lab draw - Pregnancy Test


Sarra said...

I'm sorry you're having a rough day. It sucks to have to spend your last month of summer feeling like crap and going through all these meds, but in the end it will be so worth it when you get your BFP! Hang in there!

My IVF cycle was supposed to start this month too (met you on the BBC forums a while back and have been following your blog), but got pushed back to October because of work stuff. I'm going in for my first meeting with the acupuncturist today, though, so very excited to get that started.

I hope your month goes by quickly and as painlessly as possible and on 9/6, you have some awesome news to share. Will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Hope everything went well for you today :) thinking about you...

Miss Mac said...

That sounds very much like our protocol and it got us this far (20 weeks with a singleton), hoping it is right for you too! Hope the time passes quickly and you are well on your way to a BFP! Best wishes!

Pam said...

I hope this protocol is the one that does the trick! Sending you lots of good vibes for this cycle!