Monday, August 22, 2011

Retrieval Day...Take Two

Today's retrieval went pretty smoothly. I was there by 6:30 a.m. and the procedure started promptly at 7:15 a.m. The valium before was a nice touch and the anesthesia worked wonders. Again, I remember being in the procedure room for like a minute before being completely "out". I remember my doctor saying "Okay Christie, I'm going to put the speculum in" and I didn't even feel it. I woke up and heard my doctor whisper in my ear that she had retrieved 10! I was pleased to hear the double digit number as last time I had 8 retrieved.

The embryologist called at about 2:00 p.m. with the maturation report. Out of the 10, 6 are mature. 3 were immature and 1 was degenerative. So 6 have received an attempted fertilization through icsi this morning.

So now I wait until tomorrow to hear the fertilization report. Please, oh please, let it be good.

Oh and yes, the before and after pictures...

Good morning!!!

2nd time is the real charm, right? :)

Yes, hubby still loves me even though I sleep with my mouth open and look like this!

The love of my life, who holds me afloat in so many ways. Love you hubby!


Anonymous said...

That is great news! Restup and my fingers are crossed :)

waiting and wishing said...

Yay, great news! I love that you posted the before and after pictures. We have them from our ER, but holy crap, I don't think I'd be brave enough to post my afters even if my blog wasn't anonymous- i look like I'm seriously strung out! Rest up, and grow embies GROW!

Lulu said...

Congrats on getting 10!!

clewis said...

good number. and good luck for tomorrows results.

Mrs BabyDream said...

Brilliant news!! Take it easy now!

Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! said...

Great news, glad it went well, sending lots of prayers your way!!

hopeful said...

that's awesome! And you even look cute in your after picture. I always say that is a real sign of beauty is if you can look cute in the hospital. haha :) praying for a good report.

amy said...

Awesome news!! Can't wait to hear more...praying for you as always!!

~B~ said...

Yay for 6 mature! I am hoping you come back with wonderful news regarding your fertilization report! Awesome pics...made me smile.

Cherbear said...

awww.....prayers to you!!