's true. I triggered last night at 9:30. Hubby and I will be going in for the retrieval tomorrow a.m. We have to be there at 6:30 a.m. and the procedure will begin at 7:15.
At my ultrasound yesterday, doc measured 7 on each side. I asked her how many were "contenders"...haha and she said 5 on the right and 4 or 5 on the left. She said with how high my fsh is she is pleasantly pleased with how many follicles took off. Now PRAYING those lil guys make it and come out nice and mature and healthy!
I am not one bit nervous for the retrieval part this time around...just excited! Thanks for all the well wishes! I can't believe just a week ago we were facing a cancelled cycle and now here we are going into a retrieval tomorrow. I'll be sure to post an update tomorrow.
Fabulous news! Maybe those follies were just taking their time so they could be extra prefect! Good Luck!
This is such good news!! I'll be KMFX that you get 9 or 10 great, healthy, mature eggs tomorrow.
Great news! Praying for many healthy and mature eggs tomorrow!
Best of luck! Will be thinking of u tomorrow!!
Hurray for good news! Good luck and I'll be thinking of you guys!
Your little follies just wanted to "arrive" fashionably late :) I'll be eagerly awaiting an update to see how many beautiful eggies they retrieve! BEST OF EVERYTHING tomorrow, and I'll be thinking about ya!
Congrats on your trigger and hoping for the best for you.
Good luck, I hope everything goes perfectly!!
Good luck today! I hope everything goes smoothly! Thinking VERY positive thoughts for you!!!
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