Friday, August 26, 2011

His Timing

I found this quote tonight on a new blog that I came across. :) I love finding new blogs!

"God's sense of timing will confound ours, no matter what culture we're from. His grace rarely operates according to our schedule."

I am praying so hard that a pregnancy is in God's plan for me right now. I struggle to let go of "my plan" and leave it all up to God's grace. I have to accept that a child will come into our lives when God is ready to bless us with one. With that being said, I am hoping His Timing will bless us with a beautiful blastocyst (or 2) waiting for us tomorrow morning.

The worst case scenario that could happen is finding out tomorrow when we arrive that nothing progressed to transfer. If that is God's will, I would rather come to terms with it tomorrow morning than in 2 weeks. If these lil guys (or girls) aren't going to make it inside of me I think I'd really like to find out tomorrow than go for 2 weeks thinking I might be pregnant. Yes, I would be DEVASTATED if we came out empty-wombed tomorrow, but I know how much more it would hurt to go through that 2 week wait hoping, praying, and dreaming of actually being pregnant and then being faced with a BFN.

The past few days I've been trying really hard to shed a positive aura. I've read some blogs about how this won't happen unless you are positive and mentally ready for a pregnancy. Not thinking, what's the plan if this doesn't work? Like I've said before, this is REALLY tough to do when all you have ever experienced is heart ache. I am definitely trying though. I want those lil guys to have the best possible chance of becoming our miracle. I'm praying that I have a happy post for ya'll tomorrow. Lots of love to all of you and thank you for being here for me. I can't express just how much it means to me. I am not alone.


E and R said...

Sending prayers your way for those beautiful blasts to be waiting for you tomorrow!!!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Praying for you.....

Sarra said...

I hope to hear amazing news from you tomorrow! I completely understand what you mean about it being hard to allow yourself to be positive when all you've known is heartache. It's a self-protection thing. It's like, you get scared that if you allow yourself to feel positive and hopeful, it will somehow hurt more in the end. I get it 100%. It's one of the hardest things in life, I think.

But then there are times that the heartbreak never comes. I am praying this is one of those times for you. Only good news!! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

Lisa said...

Great quote! Thanks for sharing!