The embryologist called around 11:30 this morning. She explained to me that their clinic does an Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor rating system. On Day 3 they want to see them at 6-8 cells. After a fertilization report (I had 5), they expect only 30%-50% of them to keep progressing to a blastocyst, so she said what we are seeing here below is pretty typical.
I have 1 - 8 cell graded Good. It has minimal fragmentation and the cells are all similiar in size. The go-getter!
I have 3 that are between 6-8 cells and graded Fair (more fragmentation than the one graded Good and cells not as similar in size).
I have 1 lagger that is only at 3 cells.
She seemed pretty confident that the 8 cell would make it to the blastocyst stage and said the other 3 have a chance and that it was good that they were all at 6-8 cells. Only time will could go either way.
She said even if they are not quite to that blastocyst stage we can discuss putting them in anyways (as long as they were progressing). If none of them make it to blast, she explained we could talk to Dr. Hayes and consider putting 3 in. If we have 1 or 2 blasts, she would recommend just putting 2 in.
I am definitely pleased that we are making it further this time than last IVF. Remember last IVF, they put two in me on Day 3 - one was a 6 cell and one was a 5 cell. I've never had an 8 cell at this point before, so that excites me. And I've definitely never had a chance at a 5 day transfer before either, so also grateful about the possible chance. I'm just praying that they keep progressing and that I have something to transfer on Saturday. I would be over the moon happy if at least one made it to a blast, as pregnancy rates really improve when they make it to this stage.
The nurse called later this afternoon to schedule the actual times for Saturday. I need to be there at 7:45 a.m. I will have an 8:00 acupuncture session and a 9:00 transfer. Then I will have another acupuncture session immediately following the transfer. The embryologist will come in and speak with us before the transfer to discuss grades and make a final decision as to how many (God willing) we will put in.
So what do you ladies think?
Wow, LC, I think this sounds like really encouraging news!!! I bet the 8 cell at least will make it to blastocyst stage and hopefully one other will catch up. A lot can happen in a couple of days! You're almost there. Just stay positive and hang in there. I think the results are really good. Can't wait to hear how the transfer goes on Saturday!
Sounds amazing and very promising! I'm so excited for you! Reading your blag has been very educational for me since I am now also in an IVF cycle for September. I'm really praying you are able to transfer some strong little embies and they stick!! All my best!
This sounds like good news to me!! It does seem like a lot can happen in a short time, so it sounds awesome!! Prayers still going up :)
I think this sounds like very promising news! My two embryos were transfered on day 3 and were 8 cells and one stuck, I hope you have the same luck!
I think this sounds great!!
I think that sounds really great!! I had 5-8 cell on day 3, but day 5, I had 2 blasts and one that was behind. We put in 2 blats, 1 stuck. Anything is possible but to get to a day 5 transfer, is awesome!! I know woman with IVF pregnancy from a 3,4, and 6 cell on day 3!! Miracles :)
I have to recommend the pineapple core after the transfer. Not sure if you've heard of this but it helps with implantation and doesn't hurt to try. You buy a pineapple and cut out the core, cut it into 5 pieces and eat a piece every day after transfer starting on transfer day. Worked for me, and my friends with their IVF! :) Good luck!!!
sounds great! you must be doing your transfer today! can't wait to hear about it.
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