Dearest Meda,
Sweet angel of mine. Even though there was some cabin fever this month, it still seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye. You are growing up so fast and I just can't handle it! I mean we are already approaching your first birthday. I wish there was a way to freeze time. I'd keep you little forever if I could.
Milestones/Special Firsts:
*You had your 9 month well check! Dr. Richer was impressed with how well you sign and that you're starting to talk! We also discussed how stubborn you've been in regards to crawling. Dr. Richer suggested you start to see the occupational therapist, Syma. Syma sure makes you work and we're just amazed with the progress you made in three visits. You officially know how to crawl now; although, it is still not your preferred method to get around. I'm wondering if the nickname "Scooter" will stick?!?!
*Your first bath in the kitchen sink! Of course this turned into a family affair. Daddy and Ari came home late from soccer practice and were so surprised to see you happy as a clam in the sink.
Things You Like Right Now:
*We got a lot of snow this month! In addition to the snow, there were weeks at a time that were extremely cold. You were happy to get outside when you could and had fun sitting in the fort your older brothers & Papou made.
*Snuggles. You look forward to your post nap snuggles. You spent a few Saturday mornings at Nonee and Papou's house while Mommy & Daddy went to Ari's games. With Covid there are still spectator policies in place, so you can't come to the indoor games. But, you sure don't seem to mind as long as someone snuggles you after your nap.
*Strider time! You don't need a hand anymore to keep you steady. You're sure to smile every ride.
*All the delicious new foods you are getting to experience. Your favorite this month was Aloo Gobi, which made mommy and daddy so happy since it brought back memories of our other kiddos enjoying that meal as well.
Things You Don't Like Right Now:
*"Working Out". Your therapist has suggested two twenty minute sessions at home a day. When we first started these sessions you were really fatigued and let us know you weren't all that happy.
Your Siblings:
*Elle celebrated her 7th birthday. Our family met at Glacier Hills Park and went sledding together. You didn't get out on any hills that day, but did take a late morning snooze. When you woke up you had a little bit of Nonee's chili..mmm!
*Ari has been busy with soccer. He's playing with three different teams at the moment so there are lots of practices and games throughout the week. With Covid restrictions, you haven't been able to attend a game since fall when we were still outdoors.
*Leo is ready for spring! Temps were super cold for awhile and he was getting a little stir crazy inside. He's excited to be on his first soccer team. The season starts in April!
Your Dad:
*Bravo to your dad for sticking with it when we faced a hurdle with your crawling. We were really worried that you weren't going to crawl and how that might affect your development. There were days you just primarily cried while completing your workout/homework for the therapist. Daddy took it day by day and really built upon the progress we noticed each day. In a matter of four weeks you went from not wanting to bear any weight on your arms to full on crawling. We're so proud of you baby girl.
Your Mom:
*This was the month I decided to make a change. I've started working out about 4 times per week in the early morning before you and your siblings wake up. I can't believe how much more energy I seem to have now throughout the day. Work has been stressful as I took on a new role (licensing). The light on my work days is YOU! I feel so fortunate to walk out of my office and come play with you for a break and have lunch with you.
The month ahead is going to be an exciting one! Spoiler alert - lots of crawling, swim classes and your baptism.
Love you so much baby girl!
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