Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Dear Andromeda - 7 months

 Meda love, 

What an exciting month full of lots of new firsts!

Milestones/Special Firsts:

*We celebrated your first Thanksgiving! While it wasn't like our normal Thanksgivings, we still had a wonderful time celebrating all the things we are grateful for with you and your siblings at the top of the list! Normally the whole family would come together at Nonee and Papou's house, but with the pandemic we decided to all keep things smaller. You surely missed the time with your aunts, uncles and cousins, but managed to enjoy a cozy day by the fire at PHFB. Nonee outdid herself and made a delicious meal. We continue to learn from her and someday hope to follow in her footsteps. 

*You enjoyed your first Christmas tree hunt! We went to Zabrowski Family Trees on a sunny Friday afternoon. It was chilly, but you didn't seem to mind. We decorated the tree the next day and you found the tree to be pretty mesmerizing. 

*Your first snowfall! You were able to go sledding around the yard with your big brother and hang out with Buckwheat!

*Your first St. Nick's! St. Nick brought you some new stacking cups, teethers and a new floral crib sheet. You also managed a much bigger stocking than your siblings. Whoops!

*Your first picture with Santa! Well, with Covid we needed to skip our usual in person visit with Santa. This year we were creative and visited Santa in the front yard. We were sure to share our Santa wishes with Elfie and asked Elfie to deliver the message this year. Speaking of Elfie, there was mishap with Leo touching Elfie. Luckily Elle wrote a letter asking St. Nick to fix him and still come. 

Things You Like Right Now:

*Waving! One of the first people you waved at was Grandma in the kitchen. You were sitting in your high chair and Grandma was delighted when you waved to her. How sweet! Now that you know how, you're sure to wave to everyone when you first see them or when someone is leaving. 

*Clapping is also new! You're very proud of your newfound skill. Clap, clap, clap all day long. 

*If someone lays on the floor and plays with you - you are in absolute heaven! I think you would be content for the entire day if we were continue laying with you all day long. There are days mommy needs to answer a few emails and if she is sitting next to you while doing it, you're happy. If she were to sit at the table and do it, no way. 

*Buck. You love sitting next to him and grabbing at his face. We're working on being gentle, but Buck doesn't seem to mind one bit. 

Things You Don't Like Right Now:

*You still aren't a big fan of the exersaucer. It really only keeps you occupied if your brothers and sisters are running around the house and you get caught up watching. Some mornings mommy will sit and answer emails next to you while you're bouncing. It's just not your favorite thing to do right now. 

Your Siblings:

*The crew has been busy and is looking forward to Christmas break. The first thing Elle wants to do when she gets home from school is wash up and play with you in the living room. Ari checks in with you before he leaves for soccer practices/games and is sure to sneak in snuggles with you before bed. Anything he can do to finagle staying up later...that is Ari! Leo was especially excited this past month to teach you how to ride the Strider. He modeled for you numerous times, including standing on the strider with one foot! You took detailed notes. 

Your Dad:

*Your daddy is happy to welcome the next biker into the family. You've started your Strider sessions! He loves spending time with you in the afternoons after he finishes up work for the day. 

Your Mom:

*This month has come along with a lot of reflecting Meda. We submitted our yearly bios to Uncle Darwin for the family book. While much of the world has viewed 2020 as a struggle, challenge, hardship...I view it as one of the best years of my life as it came along with YOU! You bring me so much joy, peace, contentment. We already have a very special bond. I'm so blessed to be your mom! Here we are snuggling. I asked Daddy to take our picture because I always want to remember moments like these.

* A highlight for me this month was surely watching you embrace the snow and winter weather. We try to get out on a walk everyday. You love getting bundled up in your cozy snowsuit and always manage to doze off in the fresh air. I just love my time with you.


Your Mommy

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