Sunday, August 16, 2020

Dear Andromeda - 3 months

Dear Andromeda, 

Such an exciting month! You've transitioned from a newborn into a baby. While you still like to take frequent naps, you definitely want to be a part of everything now. 

Milestones/Special Firsts:

*You went on your first camping trip. We packed up the van (to the brim) and headed up to Interstate Park on the St. Croix River. The first day there was very hot and muggy. You didn't seem to mind as you watched us set up from Papou's lap. A tornado warning in the middle of the night gave us a real scare. We woke all the kids up around 1 a.m. to take shelter nearby. After about an hour or so of waiting the storm out, we ventured back to our tent. You slept through it all! We spent a couple days at that the beach and the Murray Family even came for a visit. One of your highlights was watching the family kickball game from the sidelines with your cousin Ivy. 

Headed home 

*You attended your first wedding! Auntie Shelley & now Uncle Andy hosted us for a lovely wedding on Okauchee Lake. It was here you spent some time with your older cousins for the first time! Brandon & Jordan thought you were pretty special. 

*You went swimming in a pool for the first time at Rita's house. Rita keeps her pool at a very comfortable temperature, to which you loved swaying back and forth in the water with mama. It was exciting for you to watch the rest of the kiddos splash around. 

*You moved from your bassinet to your big girl crib. Elle officially has a roommate and she couldn't be happier!

*Grandma held you for the first time! Grandma came and stayed with us for a few days around the time of Shelley's wedding. She just ate up every minute with you. 

Things You Like Right Now:

*You're getting stronger and like to sit in the Bumbo chair. Daddy also has you practicing getting in the crawling position with the famous yellow smiley ball. You've also started sitting in the high chair when we all sit at the island for meals. We put toys on your tray that you're practicing reaching for. 

*Tummy time does not intimidate you one bit. We put your mat in the doorway between the kitchen and dining room.  I giggle every time I look over and see you watching me like this:

*You like sitting in swings and swaying so peacefully back and forth. 

*You have a predicable routine. You wake up in the morning and nurse. Then you sit in your baby bouncer in the kitchen happily kicking and watching us all gather for breakfast. After about a half an hour or so of that, you realize you're still a little sleepy and prefer to visit your play mat for a late morning nap. After that, you have been spending more time awake during the day. You like to be a part of everything. If the kids are playing with magnatiles, you're there watching. If they are outside juggling, you're there watching. If mommy is working in the yard, you're right by my side watching. 

*You've just started grasping toys and bringing them to your mouth to chew on. Sophie is your favorite right now as it is the easiest for you to get her legs in your mouth. 

*Buckwheat loves you and you love Buckwheat. He still lays by you anytime you're napping. He enjoys having you as his napping buddy. When you're in the bouncer, you watch him walk past you and sometimes he leans in for a kiss. 

*Cousin time - Being the baby of the family right now, you get lots of your cousins love & attention. 

*Lots of talking! Daddy just said today, "She is definitely our most vocal baby."

Your Current Dislikes:

*The only thing I can think of is the time between dinner and bed. You're pretty cranky for that period of time. It's almost as you want to go to bed and mommy & daddy can't get you there quick enough. 

Your Siblings:

*Your brothers and sister still spend time arguing about who gets to play with you. I encourage them to play with you all together and sometimes they do. But most of the time, they want their 'solo time' with you. Leo likes reading books to you. Ari likes to talk to you (boy does he like to talk). And Elle sits you on her lap and shows you different toys. Elle has even stepped in with helping us watch over you while Daddy and I are in and out of meetings. 

Always surrounded by their love. 

Your Daddy:

*Daddy loves his soccer time with all of you. The season is approaching and there have been many camps and even pre-season practices starting up. You love sitting on Daddy's lap watching away. I'd like to think you're day dreaming about the day you can be out there as well. 

*Daddy has also been gearing up for the start of the school year. He just found out that his school district will be starting the year online. He will be teaching virtually from home (starting tomorrow). This comes along with many required meetings to prep, which has us all missing our time with Daddy. 

Your Mommy:

*Sweet girl, I won't hide this from you. This time has been challenging. And it has nothing to do with you! You're such a sweet, 'easy' baby to care for. I tell everyone that you're the easy one..and that's true! It's been challenging due to Covid and our lack of normalcy. Daddy and I are now both trying to work from home and also care for the four of you and some days (okay most days) it is hard to balance it all. There is still so many unknowns during these unprecedented times, so we do our best to stay home in hopes of keeping you all safe. The days are long, yet this time with you is also flying by in the blink of an eye. Something that brings me so much comfort is having solo time with you. Your smile..that twinkle in your eye...tells me everything is going to be okay. I love you so very much. 

We all adore you little girl. Thank you for giving us a slice of heaven each day. 


Your Mommy

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