Thursday, December 20, 2012

4 month birthday!

I'm hoping to find some time to write Ari's 4 month post this weekend...but til then I wanted to share a couple of photos from his 4 month birthday!  Seriously where is the time going?!?!? I wish I could stop time and live in moments like these forever.  

4 months old - December 19th, 2012


Anonymous said...

Holy cow!! Ari is such a great sitter!!

Sarra said...

Wow! He's already sitting up that well at only 4 months?? And I thought Andrew was doing great to be sitting up at 6, haha. You've got a cutie on your hands, and yes time is really flying by!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, look at him!!!! He is the cutest little thing... and sitting?!?! WOW!! Happy 4 months! :)

Momma Bee said...

He is so stinking cute!
I love the first picture! And the hat! And the stuffed animal! And his facial expression!
You are one lucky momma!
I cannot wait to take pictures...3 weeks till due date!!!

Kelli said...

too stinkin cute!!! oxo

Leah @ Everyday Love said...

He is the absolute cutest baby ever! I love seeing all his pictures on IG!

Jonny and Brittany said...

Such a cutie!!!