Tuesday, September 11, 2012

All is Well

Ari is already 3 weeks old! I cannot believe how fast the time is going.  He's been here for 3 weeks - yet I have a hard time ever thinking back to a time where he wasn't here.

Ari is such a good baby.  He is very content with his eating, sleeping, pooping & peeing routine.  During the day he feeds every 2-3 hours.  If he is awake, he makes it known he's ready to eat by sucking on his hands,  rooting, and whining.  Sometimes when he's napping, we have to wake him up to get his feedings in within the 3 hour window.

Since he gained a substantial amount of weight by his 2 week appointment, our pediatrician told us we didn't need to wake him up anymore throughout the night to eat.  It was a relief to hear her say "Stop setting the alarm".   Ari gives us nice chunks of sleep during the night.  We get some 4, 5, and even 6 hour windows of sleep.  This is perfect since my husband is still transitioning to being back at work.

This is my first week solo.  My sister was here all last week helping me, which was amazing.  She ran my errands and helped with all the household chores like cleaning, laundry, dishes, and making sure I was properly fed.  :) I am so fortunate to have such supportive and loving family members.  Thank you sis for being there for me in so many ways! I couldn't ever possibly thank you enough for all of your help.

Ari happy to be chilling with his Auntie. 

I know it's only Tuesday, but so far my first week is going well.  In the mornings, Ari and I just kind of hang out, feed, & nap.  While he's napping I have a little "me" time where I make myself breakfast, put some laundry in, tidy up, and catch up on everyone's blogs, my emails, and facebook.  Then in the afternoon we are more active. We go outside and play fetch with Buckwheat in the yard.  It feels so good to be able to give Buckwheat some attention, since he has been overlooked these past three weeks.

I do have  posts brewing about breast feeding and my "must-haves" for a newborn.

But for now, I'll leave you with some more pictures of my miracle baby.  :)

 Napping with Daddy

 Content as can be

 Buckwheat isn't so sure about this tummy time thing?!?!?


 Buckwheat wanted a part in this too. 

 Trying out the Moby wrap for the first time


 Dead tired, but so so in love. 


Lulu said...

Awww I love little Ari so much!

Fiona said...

Oh my, he is such a little cutie and is giving me newborn baby fever!!!! Eek! :)

KC said...

That's wonderful that he is doing so well, happy to hear you have such great support!

Sarra said...

Such cute pictures! You guys look so happy!! You're so lucky he's sleeping so well, too. Andrew is 3 months old and still never sleeps 6 hours, lol. Just so happy for you!!

Do I Have to Be a D.I.N.K.? said...

What a cutie! I still have not mastered the moby wrap! I guess I need to practice with it!

Good Timing said...

Great post! He's adorable and I'm glad things are going so well. Love the pic of him and Buckwheat! :)