As I sat down this morning, I had to re-group and try to even think of where to start.
Friday, the 17th:
This was the day of our scheduled induction. It was also my husband's 30th birthday. We decided to go out for our final dinner before heading to the hospital that night. We went with my sister Shelley and our friend Jessie. It was really nice to get out one last time and enjoy a good dinner.
What a nice waitress! She surprised me with a treat too.
While at dinner we received a phone call from Labor & Delivery. They were calling to inform us that they weren't going to be ready for us at 8:00 p.m., like originally planned. They were going to call us back later to let us know when to come in. By 10:00 p.m. that night, I was pretty antsy and called back myself. That is when one of the nurses told me they didn't have room for us that night and that our induction was being pushed back 24 hours. Sigh. We were all very disappointed as the anticipation had been building all day.
Saturday, the 18th:
I woke up at 5 a.m. with contractions! They were about 5-8 minutes apart and lasted for about 30-40 seconds each. I kept saying to myself maybe this was the reason our induction was pushed back, so I could go into labor on my own. The contractions were steady and lasted for about 5 hours. Then they dissipated and eventually flat out stopped. Hubby and I had already ran all of our last minute errands the day before, so we just relaxed at home and ended up spending most of the afternoon on the front porch. I soaked up a few last rays and he was able to take a much needed nap. In a way I look at it as our "calm before the storm". (storm being what my labor would turn into) We were a little bummed the contractions stopped, but also content since we knew we were going into the hospital that night.
Still waiting...
After a few hours hanging on the front porch, we decided to head inside and watch some episodes of Parenthood to try and help pass the time. While watching, the contractions returned. They started out far apart and progressively grew closer together. Before I knew it, we were back to timing the contractions and relieved my body had started up again.
Spent a lot of time on the birthing ball
The contractions were now coming about every 7 minutes apart and really starting to intensify. Around 5:15 p.m. my sister decided to go and get us our last dinner. I had received so much advice about eating before going to the hospital. We knew we would be leaving the house by about 7:30 to go to the hospital for the induction. So she left and hubby and I continued to try and watch Parenthood in between contractions. The contractions were getting so bad I started to let out a few cuss words. Around 6:15 p.m. I was leaning over the couch having a contraction. Hubby was behind me rubbing my back and I suddenly felt a warm rush. I grabbed my favorite blanky and put it in between my legs and waddled into the kitchen. My water had broke!! My sister literally walked in the door a couple minutes later to find me hunched over in the kitchen watching the mess unraveling between my legs. Hubby was running around the house grabbing our bags and packing them in the car. I grabbed two pieces of bread from the Italian take out my sister had brought home and we were in the truck on the way to the hospital.
On the way to the hospital we called our family members to let them know what had happened. We were both SO excited. I was really pleased that my body had went into labor on its own and that we might be able to stay away from any induction methods.
We arrived at the hospital at about 7:00 p.m. I was in a lot of pain, but wanted a last belly shot before heading upstairs to Labor & Delivery.
41 weeks 3 days
(to be continued)
Congratulations!!! How exciting that your body went into labor on it's own! That's awesome!! Can't wait to read part 2!!
I can't wait to hear the rest!
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