Monday, March 26, 2012

Anatomy Scan w/Pictures

Our anatomy scan last week Tuesday was AMAZING! I was so nervous walking into the appt, just praying that our lil one was developing on track and healthy. We are thrilled that the appointment went very well and that HE is looking wonderful. Yes, you read that correctly - we're having a baby BOY! :)

The ultrasound tech was very informative. She started with his head/brain and worked her way down measuring all the body parts and organs. I really appreciated how after looking at each organ she would assure us that it looked normal and healthy. At the time, he weighed 13 ounces and she said he was on track be a full pound by 22 weeks!

The doctor met with us right after the ultrasound and assured us baby boy was doing very well. Baby boy is in the 66th percentile - which she said was perfect, means he's growing right on track - not too slow and not too fast - just right. She also said she didn't foresee me being at any risk for premature labor, which yes sounds reassuring, but yet I still find myself worrying non stop! I asked her when will I have my next ultrasound, already anticipating seeing baby boy again. She said "You won't have another one." What?!?!?! Ahhhhh, just check-ups from here on out! She said they only do more ultrasounds if they have concerns or if there are complications. So, I guess this is a good thing! Next appointment is April 17th!

And here are just a few of the 32 pics our ultrasound tech took for us...:)

I think this one is so cute with his little foot all the way up by his face - flexible lil guy.


Andrea said...

Awesome pictures!!! He's a little cutie already! So happy things are going exactly as they should. You are so deserving of this little miracle!! Xoxo

Lulu said...

What a handsome boy! We are having a boy too : )

Shelley said...
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Shelley said...

Proud Auntie can't stop looking at the pictures!

Matt and Krista said...

yay yay yay congrats!!!

Unknown said...

Aww YAY!! Congrats! Boys are so much fun! ENJOY!

Sarra said...

Wow, those are some amazing pictures! So clear! We weren't able to ever get any good profile shots of our little boy. Oh, and congrats on having a boy!! Any ideas on names yet? So exciting! I'm so happy he's measuring just right!

M said...


Beth said...

Congrats!!! We have our anatomy scan next Friday and we're super excited!

A Round of Goff said...

Congrats!! We find out in 6 days!! :)

Brenda said...

Great pictures, Congrats!! We just had ours yesterday and are expecting a boy too!

amy said...

Love, love, love the pics...he looks so healthy :) Congrats on a boy!! Hope you're doing well!

~B~ said...

Congrats on a boy! He is already a cutie. I agree, I just love the picture of his little foot by his cheek.

Mrs. H said...

Love the pic of him sucking his thumb!! He looks healthy and happy in there.

Anonymous said...

I love the high five at the end!! So so so so so happy for you LC. He is adorable and congrats on your SON!

Good Timing said...

Yay! Love all the u/s pics! Having a boy will be so fun! I'll let you know how it goes! ;) hehe.

Do I Have to Be a D.I.N.K.? said...

YAY for little boys! So happy to hear everything is good!

Cherm said...

OMG you are sooo cute! Glad to hear all is well and the scan went well also. Sooo flipping happy for you! Sorry I've been absent from the bloggy world. Been thinking about you though! YAY half way there!

Jonny and Brittany said...

I just ran across your blog and am excited to follow your journey- I too am having a baby boy- mine is due June 4th! :) Congrats all round! So exciting!

Tina said...

Those are adorable photos! We go in for our next ultrasound Monday at 21 weeks. I can't wait!