Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Graduation Day

Today was filled with a variety of emotions as it was my last official visit with my RE and also my first visit at the OB's office.

I started the day at the RE's office for my 11 week ultrasound. I was very nervous (as usual), but seemed even more uneasy as this was the first ultrasound my hubby couldn't be at. He works at a year round school and today was the first day of classes, so really difficult for him to get out of. Anyways, my RE put the wand in and for a second I was too afraid to look at the screen. But, I'm glad I did because it was instant relief as I saw our lil one moving around like crazy. He/she was very hyper today! My doctor had to try like 3 times for the heartbeat reading because the lil one would not sit still for a second. It was so amazing to watch. I've really been fortunate to have so many ultrasounds because I've had the opportunity to see our baby change week to week and it's miraculous! Today I saw much longer arms (not those cute tiny arm buds anymore) and actual fingers. I saw one ear too. The baby kept putting its arms up by his face and it looked like he/she was actually waving at us.

After the ultrasound, I had my official "graduation". Hugs from all the nurses and my doctor. I cried, of course. These women have taken such good care of me - physically and even more importantly, emotionally. They made me promise to come back with updates, which sure was an easy promise to make. I even got a graduation gift - subscription to FitPregnancy, a cute stuffed animal for the baby, and some baby accessories.

After the appointment with the RE, I found myself feeling very happy. I've always dreamed of a graduation day. So then I headed to another wing where my new home will be, the OB's office. I got to tell you - it felt really weird sitting in that office. I felt really out of place and as if I just wasn't like the other women sitting in there. Let's be honest, I'm not.

I met with one of the midwives and she was wonderful. She used to be an OB for years, so she has a wealth of knowledge and experience. She was one of the most thorough women I have ever met. I didn't walk out of there til 2 hours later. We did a complete medical history, a physical, blood work, and I even got my flu shot. I was really impressed with how much she had studied my records before I came in...I did feel as though she had an idea of what I've been through and I appreciate that.

I now am in the process of deciding if we will be doing the nuchal translucency screening or not. I know for a fact that there is nothing that could change the way I feel about this baby and that the results won't alter anything for us. So part of me doesn't feel the need to have it done. But, then on the other hand - if we don't have it done we won't have another ultrasound for 4 weeks!!! When she told me that, I nearly fell off of my chair. 4 weeks?!?! That sounds like eternity, especially after the special care I've been receiving with the RE's office. If I proceed with the nuchal translucency screening, I would then get to have an ultrasound again in about 2 weeks, which is very appealing to me. We'll see - waiting for hubby to get home to discuss. Any feedback you ladies have on this would be appreciated.

The midwife saw how anxious I was when hearing I will only be seen every 4 weeks. She tried reassuring me that things are looking great and that my chances of miscarriage have significantly dropped. And this is definitely the point, I keep reminding myself that I need to have "faith over fear", as amiracle4us so wonderfully put it.


Krista said...

Oh my goodness! I totally missed your last post! Congrats to you....I'm soooo happy for you! Isn't it amazing how these things work out? I totally agree about doing the NT ultrasound....I only did it because I knew I couldn't wait the 4 weeks for another certainly wasn't going to change how I felt about the babies though. Hang in there...the waits between appointments get hard...I found weeks 14-18 to be the most difficult because there wasn't a lot of appointments, hardly any symptoms and you don't feel the baby moving yet...but you just have to get through those few weeks. Again, SO happy for you!!!

M said...

I'm so happy for you!! I went back and forth with the NT scan also. I was afraid if I didn't do it I would regret it. I can see both sides. Good luck, I'm thinking of you! And I will say for both of us- high FSH can suck it! ;)

Cori said...

Ahhhh!!!! So exciting!!! We went back and forth with the NT scan and decided to go forward with it just to see the baby an extra time. Once we finally decided we couldn't get an appointment to work with mine or my husband's schedule and we ended up just forgetting about it because the scheduling part was causing more stress. So we ended up going to a 3D place around 16 weeks to find out the gender early instead:) Happy G Day!!!

waiting and wishing said...

So happy for you!

Shelley said...

"Faith over fear" it!

Kelli said...

holy crap LC...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I missed your last post as well! So glad things are going well and your little one is happy in there. Much love to you and hubby! oxo

~B~ said...

I am soooo flipping excited for you! Graduation day is such a bittersweet moment. On one hand you are so excited to move forward to the next chapter. On the other end, you are so sad to leave behind those that have played such a big role in your life while dealing with your struggles. It is all such a wonderful thing though.

I went ahead with our NT scan. I knew it would not change my mind about what I would do, but I wanted to be prepared. It also gave us a sneak peek of the baby. Otherwise, we would of had to wait five weeks for another ultrasound. The NT scan results are also not cut and dry. It only gives you the odds. So even if you received alarming results, chances are if you think about the chances, they are still very low. I really do see both sides though. It is entirely a personal preference.

E and R said...

I also missed your last post! I am so happy for you!!! Every four weeks seems like forever - but it will go fast. Something that helped me get through was the purchase of a (very low-tech and inexpensive) doppler - it was a relief to know that I could listen to baby's heartbeat whenever I wanted/needed to - at least until I was able to feel her moving around. We didn't do the NT scan, just bloodwork and I have no regrets about it at all. Take care and congrats on graduation!

amy said...

I get so irritated with myself that I have become such an absent blogger...bc I miss BIG news like you are pregnant!! Woahhh!! How exciting, congrats, I am so incredibly excited for you sweet girl! I'll be praying for a healthy and worry free pregnancy that you so deserve! Can't wait to follow this, much more fun, journey :)

Anonymous said... glad you adopted it. It has helped me (almost daily!!!!). I love you graduated too...that means things are GREAT!!! I am with you on the holy freak out 4 week wait! We have had our hands held for so long it will seem like I was dropped at that point! Just think about it as things are so good, baby needs to be left alone to grow grow grow :). xoxo so happy for you hun.

Pam said...

So unbelievably excited and happy for you! It definitely takes some getting used to only going once a month to the OB after all constant trips to the RE's office. You and that precious little bean will be just fine. I'm sure of it! So glad the midwife was so helpful and reassuring to you :o) Lots of hugs!!!

Cherm said...

Congrats on graduating! How exciting! That's so nice that they gave you a little graduation gift. So happy your appointment went well and you were happy with who you saw. I did the NT scan and it wasn't a big deal at all. If you can do with and OB that would be even better so they can tell you everything right there. Was really fun to see the Keiki! :)

Sarra said...

How did I miss this news??? I've been in a bubble finishing my latest book release, and I haven't been checking blogs like I'm supposed to. OMG!!!! I'm so excited for you! I tell you, I saw that picture of the rainbow and just cried. George and I saw a rainbow the weekend we found out we were pregnant naturally as well. I think it's definitely a sign!! Congratulations!!!!! Keep us updated.

M said...

How are you? I've been thinking about you.