Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sorry for the lack of posting ...I just really don't know what to say. :( It's been hard to move on when I have had the damn bleeding taunting me for the past three weeks! As of yesterday, I think (knock on wood) the bleeding has finally stopped. I have a follow up ultrasound tomorrow to make sure everything has passed. We will also be having our "What the fuck?!?!" meeting with my doctor tomorrow. We will be able to hear her thoughts on the last cycle, ask questions, and develop a plan for what's next (whatever that may be?!?!?!?!).

I've been doing a lot of praying that God will grant me peace with what has happened. I'm trying my best to trust in Him, even though it can be really hard at times. Thank you to our family members and dear friends who have been continuing to pray for us. We appreciate every single thought or prayer you have sent our way.


waiting and wishing said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, I hope everything goes well. Praying for you, friend!

Anonymous said...

When terrible things happen, it is so hard to trust God, but, it's that what gets us through. Continuing to tell ourselves something good must come from this. You will get through this. My heart still hurts for you. xo

Andrea said...

Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Sending love and hugs.

Laura said...

Hey Christie,
I know all too well the pain you are feeling and am sending you lots of hugs and prayers as you get ready for that what now? appointment. Lauren had mentioned she gave you my email and phone - please feel free to call or email if you ever want to chat. We were at those same crossroads not too long ago and if there is anything I can do or say to help, I would love to. In the meantime, know that I am praying that God would give you direction and wisdom as you move forward.


Laura Best

Bridget said...

I hope you can get some answers today from your Dr. I will be thinking of you xoxo

Mrs. H said...

I hope you get some answers today. I'm wishing you all the best and you're in my prayers.

Jessica said...

I will be thinking of you today.I hope you get some answers.

hopeful said...

esh. I'm so sorry. I imagine it is just so hard to move on. Praying He sustains you through this valley. And praying this season of suffering will come to an end and that you will have contentment and victory!!

Lulu said...

Sending you all the hugs you need to get through this tough time.

M said...

Sending hugs.

Sarra said...

I hope your meeting today provided some answers and a good plan for the future that you can feel good about. I've been thinking of you a lot. Praying for you.