- I went back to school on Tuesday and the students returned on Thursday. The first two days went just okay. I was shocked that some of my kids were willing to try testing the waters already on the very first day. Whatever happened to a honeymoon period? So it's nice to have a three day weekend to regroup and re-energize for next week.
- 2WW is going okay (I guess as good as could be). The anxiety hasn't been too bad yet as I've been so preoccupied at school.
- About 4 days past transfer, a yeast infection decided to pay my body a visit. The doctor said I could do a Monistat treatment (as safe during pregnancy) but I am still hesitant. She said if I can cope with just external cream and yogurt, to try that so I don't have anxiety about putting something up my hoo ha. I know the treatment gunk wouldn't get up in the uterus, but I think I would just prefer to wait it out. So far, the external cream and yogurt have been keeping it at bay. It definitely hasn't progressed.
- My ovaries have finally started to feel better. The only pain I'm experiencing is where we have been injecting the PIO shots. I've been trying everything to alleviate some of the soreness, but not having much luck. I can't seem to get rid of a lump that has clotted on the left side and still incredibly sore from the blood vessel we knicked on the right side. Once again, I limp around like an elderly person and people at work keep asking me what is wrong. Not to mention every time I sit, I seem to forget and then shriek as the injection sites rub up against the chair.
- 7days past 5 day transfer has me starting to think - should I take a home pregnancy test or wait til Tuesday for my beta? Hubby and I keep going back and forth.
- Still praying NON-STOP here! Holding onto hope for just a few more days...
I decided to test early because I didn't want to find out in a phone call...especially if it wasn't the news we wanted to hear.
I hope you have a restful weekend and it goes by quickly!
That sucks about the yeast infection! I get those almost every time they give me antibiotics, yuck. Hope it goes away soon! Same with the pain at the injection sites.
The testing issue is one I have been thinking about a lot too. It's so hard to know what's the right thing to do. My clinic waits until 14 days past transfer, which to me is INSANE. I don't know if I can wait that long. I guess what I keep trying to tell myself is the news will be the same either way I find out. So it's really just a matter of trying to decide how I want to find out.
Whatever you decide, I hope it's the BFP you've been waiting for! Been thinking of you!
Well not sure what to think or do. I started spotting today and I am not sure if it's AF coming or just some implanting blood. I feel like I am going to start AF and I am totally freaking out. My doctor doesn't have me testing my HCG levels until Thursday. I'm holding the tears back for now.
Thank you for your comments. It has helped me comm down some. I keep going to the bath to see if there is anything else. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Hey one more thing. My mom is a nurse and she had a suggestion about what you might want to take for your yeast infection. Acidophelus 20mg two tablets in your hoo ha at night. It's at any vitamin supplement store. It's all natural. I guess this is what she would give me when I was a lifeguard and got yeast infection all the time. Check it out.
I got my BFP 6dp5dt!! I say test!!! :)
Still praying .....
Hi! Just getting caught up on your story. I'm right behind ya! Booo for the yeast infection! I hope it goes away soon with just the topical and yogurt. Keeping living in the moment as much as you can and your beta day will be here before you know it. :)
Just catching up, so sorry about your PIO pain : ( It sounds awful!!
Good luck! Everything crossed for you!
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