Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Want to Make her an Auntie!!!!!

Today is a very special day  - it's my sister's birthday!  Some of you may be thinking, wow - well that's nice, but so?!?  This sister of mine is not your average sister here.  This woman is my go-to-girl, my rock, my best friend.  She has always been there for me, even on my most ugly days (I know, yuck). I think to myself, how can she possibly put up with me?  She is the first person I call when:  I'm upset, I had a doctor's appointment, I'm sick, I'm happy, I'm excited, or when I just need to vent.  Why?  Because she always understands and knows just how to find a way to make me feel better.  I don't know how she does it...really.  She has provided me with the utmost support while going through infertility.  She has educated herself about infertility, high FSH, IUI's, and the IVF process so she can understand what it is I'm going through.   Heck - when I had my mock transfer she even assisted my doc with the procedure (long story, but funny).  I know she feels bad at times thinking she can't fix this for me or help me solve my problem as infertility is just completely out of anyones control.  But what she doesn't realize is that she DOES help me, every single day, just by being there.  Simply being there.  I could not do this without you sis.  I love you so very much and I hope this year is your best yet.  I hope this is the year that you finally get to be an auntie!  XOXO!


Do I Have to Be a D.I.N.K.? said...

How sweet! Sisters are the best!

Silly blogger won't let me follow your blog.
Good luck with your up coming trip and IVF #2!

Shelley said...

Well...I am so choked up right now...I can't really see the computer screen so I hope I'm not making any spelling errors! I was wondering something about your schedule but I didn't really want to decided to come over here to the blog. :) Trust me when I say, this is the most incredible birthday wish I have ever seen! Your words are so unbelievably beautiful that I am asking she really talking about me??? She must be because I'm her only sister! ha Thank you my dearest sister and my best friend. I can't even imagine what life would have been without you!