Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just a Down Kinda Day

Here we are -  a week past my transfer.

I woke up feeling extremely down this morning.  It could possibly be because I am feeling a bit crampy.  Well, we all know what that means - either the onset of pms cramps or early pregnancy cramping.  Why does my mind so easily allow me to believe it is pms cramping?  

I cried this morning and told my hubby that I don't want to be down.  I don't want to have to go there once again.  I want to be happy (regardless of what news I get in a few days).  I feel so much of my life & happiness is passing me by as I continuously mourn being without child.

I'm trying soooo hard to keep the faith and remain hopeful.  It was encouraging to read The Johnson's Journey today as she got her long awaited BFP!!!  (and even after cramping for days) :)

God, please give me strength.


Andrea said...

Hang in there and keep the faith!!! It sucks that PG and AF symptoms seem to be the same. I wish they were completely different from each other so we knew which way things were going!

It's completely normal to be feeling the things you're feeling. I'm sure all of the hormones pumped into us during IVF plays all kinds of tricks with our emotions! Just know that you have a lot of people rooting you on and praying extra hard for you that you find out in a few days the news you've been hoping for!

Krista said...

Thanks for your sweet comment! Feel free to copy and send away! :-)
I just found your blog see you are in the dreaded 2WW. I will definitely add you to my prayers for a BFP!!!! I'm following you now too!

Miss Mac said...

Hi! So glad you came across my blog and we can follow each other through the remainder of this 2WW. I go back for the beta next Thursday, what about you? Trying hard to remain hopeful too but this whole journey has permanently put a "caution" sign in my mind and heart, ugh. I will be cheering you on and hoping the time passes quickly for both of us and we can hear "BFP" soon, very soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! This is Dana, from the BBC board. I just want to let you know that my heart really goes out to you and your DH. I am routing for you both all the way and I'm praying the cramping your getting is a GREAT sign! The journey your on is such a heart wrenching one. Your emotions are all over the place but the desire for a baby never goes away. Please stay positive and know in your heart that you WILL have family its just a matter of when. I'm really feeling good about this cycle and can't wait to keep checking back and follow you on this journey. ALL my BEST to you!!!

Miss Mac said...

Hi! No, as much as I WANT to POAS, I'm not going to do it. I am going to email our IVF nurse Wed. evening and tell her to p-l-e-a-s-e call as soon as she has the results! What about you?

Drevas said...

Good luck to you and hang in there! As much as I'm looking forward to my own egg retrieval/embryo transfer - I am DREADING the tww...

Nink said...

Seriously, girl, don't let the cramps get you down! And if it wasn't for me testing early and knowing I was pregnant, I would've beat myself up all week because of those darn cramps. They are EXACTLY like period cramps, and now that I'm pregnant, I can truthfully say that. They are feeling a little different now, but all of last week, my cramps were telling me my period was coming. I'm crossing my fingers and toes and everything else for you, girl! :)

Mrs BabyDream said...

I have everything crossed for you!!