Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Baby

Okay, call me crazy if you wish - but yes!  This IS a post about my "baby", Buckwheat.   How could I not share Buckwheat with you?  He is one of my biggest supporters!! :)

 We brought Buckwheat home with us as a puppy about a year into our marriage.  Looking back, I'm convinced he was one of God's gifts to me ...to help me get through this.  I am telling you, THIS dog knows me better than I know myself sometimes.  I just can't get over how he knows exactly how I am feeling.  Thank you God for sending me Buckwheat.  He has been by my side (literally) as I've sat in the bathroom and read countless negative pregnancy tests.  His kisses have been a comfort that I am truly grateful for.

A lil snooze as a pup

One of our many  naps together

Happy boy


Pam said...

Dogs are the greatest! I don't know what I'd do without my Sophie! They definitely help pick you up when you feel like you can't do any more. :o)

Shelley said...

Love this post!!